Our Ministries
Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Ministry of WWCC is designed to promote greater fellowship among the women of the church. It does this through fellowship meetings, book club, an annually sponsored prayer breakfast and many other activities both on and off the church campus.
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry seeks to develop closer fellowship among the men of WWCC. It does so through revolving home meetings, bowling events, and cooking experiences. They also strive to encourage greater male participation in church activities through the men’s choir etc.
Youth Ministry
Youth are an important part of WWCC’s ministry. Youth coordinators plan youth-related activities through Sunday School, dance ministry, Youth programs, Youth excursions and Youth participation in Sunday worship.
Music Ministry
Music is an integral part of the worship experience at WWCC. The music coordinators direct our church and offer a variety of music including hymns, gospel, and contemporary Christian music.
Outreach Ministry
Our Outreach Ministry is involved in several activities. They sponsor ministries of charity to the needy, Back to School Supplies and evangelization activities. There are support events both within and outside of the local church.